Do mashed potatoes get better. Do potatoes get fat

Good afternoon friends!

Who doesn't love potatoes? Moreover, it is a natural product created by nature itself.

And today I would like to consider the question of whether potatoes really get fat? Because, as many refuse this delicacy in order to save the figure. Some of this is right, and some of it is not.

The question is not the potato itself, but when, how and with what you eat it, in what form you cook it! If you cook it correctly, then it retains a large amount of useful substances and trace elements. This is another plus.

Speaking about my experience, I eat potatoes, but with certain rules. Why deny yourself pleasure? At the same time, my weight is maintained and the waist does not blur.

Of course, during the active period, you can reduce the consumption of potatoes, it is natural to reduce the number of calories consumed.

Do potatoes get fat?

What makes potatoes high-calorie and dangerous for the figure?

  • Cooking method - frying, heating boiled potatoes on vegetable or animal fats.

This includes baking with butter, it is better, of course, to do it in water. Cooking dishes with meat or a product containing a lot of fat. For example, stewed potatoes with pork. Remember, the figure really does not like the combination of carbohydrates and fat, it is immediately stored in reserve.


Boil in a peel, bake in a peel, stew in water, cook soups with lean meat or fish. Forget about chips, even homemade, about french fries and pies with potatoes and meat!

  • Adding sauces, excess salt, sour cream, mayonnaise, milk, dressing with vegetable, butter or mixed with bacon, sausage and other semi-finished products that contain a lot of hidden fats.

Weight in this case is affected by fatty foods and the combination of fats and carbohydrates, as I mentioned above. Moreover, the calorie content of the dish increases significantly with such seemingly harmless additives.


If mashed potatoes - then on the water, boiled potatoes - then with non-starchy vegetables. Can't eat without sour cream? Then for the first time, replace it with Varenets or Ryazhenka. If you cannot do without semi-finished products, then nevertheless, for the first time, in order to wean gradually, replace them with lean meat, fish and no more than 50-100 grams.

  • Drinking water, milk and other drinks.

You should not drink food at all, and even more so potatoes and even more so milk. Get out of this habit!

  • Overuse

As in everything, there should be a measure. Think for yourself, we do not eat 100 grams of potatoes at a time. One plate of potatoes or mashed potatoes can weigh 300.400 and sometimes 500 grams. it all depends on the size and habits of its use. And if during the day you still allow yourself sweets, bread, or dessert, then the carbohydrate rate will be exceeded. and as a result, everything is deposited in the form of fat reserves.


It is better to eat potatoes in the morning, before 15:00, and preferably 13:00. Portion should be reasonable. And it is better to eat potatoes no more than 2-3 times a week. The daily requirement is up to 300 grams and its use in the correct form.

  • Carbohydrates are needed by the body, so it is better to eat a serving of potatoes than 1 piece of cake, pastry or other sweets. Potatoes are the fruit of nature!
  • I eat potatoes no more than 2 times a week, and sometimes no more than 1 time a month, it all depends on the requests and real requests of the body. (Not appetite)
  • Soups I can cook without potatoes, I replace it with brown rice, durum wheat pasta, barley, and other vegetables. Depends on mood.
  • I never eat fried potatoes, I never boil potatoes without skins. I bake it in a peel, after washing it first, boil it in uniforms, add it naked only to soups and stews. I really like to peel and boil young potatoes in their skins well, and eat them that way. By the way, baked potatoes are less caloric, only 90 kcal per 100 grams, which is even less than in boiled rice.

  • If I stew potatoes with meat, then I choose lean varieties of chicken, fish fillet. I eat in the morning, or at lunchtime until 15:00. In the evening, it is better to eat fish and a fresh salad.
  • On the day when I eat potatoes, I don’t eat bread at all, I refuse homemade pastries, albeit diet ones. Believe me, you won't suffer from it at all.
  • I do not fill with butter, sour cream or something else. I make fresh vegetable and green salads with it. Fragrant greens are excellent for potatoes - cilantro, basil, parsley, dill, etc. It harmonizes with beetroot, there are generally few fats, but tasty.
  • At the festive table, I generally ignore potatoes, since there are already enough dishes on the table. Potatoes can be eaten on a normal day.

Do potatoes get fat? No, if you cook and eat it correctly, and yes, if you unconsciously relate to this and do not know what exactly leads to an increase in body weight.

    Nutritionists say yes. One of the reasons is starch, which is naturally found in the product. Further, it should be noted the method of preparation, because additional high-calorie ingredients are used during frying. Yes, and combining potatoes with other products is not always beneficial in terms of diet food.

    You can get fat from everything when you eat too much, when the metabolism is slow and sluggish.

    If everything is fine with you, then you will not eat a lot of potatoes and will not gain weight.

    But, for those who are on a diet, counting calories:

    Boiled potatoes 80 kcal

    Fried potatoes 198 kcal

    Young potatoes 57 kcal.

    You see that boiled potatoes are a low-calorie product and it is quite May be used on a low calorie diet.

    There are people who have only diets and their figure in their heads - they can’t do anything at all. They have a mess in their heads that makes them fat. Previously, marbled meat was praised and everyone called it the best product. Now they have found ka-ku in nm and it has become the most harmful. The same happens with potatoes and other products. All for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is something that costs more. It has nothing to do with correctness. During its existence, a person makes fewer movements and, accordingly, will get fat from any food eaten. Harm does not come from something (if it is not contraindicated for health), but it happens from how and in what quantity it is used. If you digest and produce what you eat per day, then eat to your health.

    My personal experience does not confirm this fact. I gained weight in the army on cereals and bread, and then at home on home grubs, where the basis is more fruits and vegetables, incl. potatoes - lost weight (returned to normal). And I was very surprised when one of my friends said about the potato that it was poison. Why poison? Because they get fat from it.

    It seems to me that the following is taking place here. When they are burned, then they blow on cold water. Those. already overweight people, looking for their harmful product, just in case, potatoes were included there. It has starch. Yes, starch is obtained from potatoes, but it is an artificial product, which, like highly refined flour, sugar, sweeteners in sweet waters, contributes to obesity. Regarding the latter, my experience confirms this.

    Starch is like sugar. But sugar is quickly absorbed (it dissolves immediately). Due to the long processing, starch suppresses hunger for longer, and potatoes can be useful for this. But on the other hand, it is still better for people with health problems to unload their gastrointestinal tract, i.e. limit your consumption of potatoes.

    Any fried product is harmful. The burnt product is definitely harmful, and sunflower, butter is harmful. They oxidize when heated. It is said that olive oil is famous for the fact that it hardly oxidizes. But due to the fact that it is more expensive, I think few people use it when frying.

    It is a very common belief that potatoes can quickly get fat.

    As it turned out, this is not entirely true. Potatoes themselves are not very high in calories, 100 grams of potatoes contain only 90 kcal. This is not much, there are more calories in bananas.

    In addition, it has now been found out that the starch found in potatoes speeds up the metabolism and helps our digestion.

    So, they get fat not from the potatoes themselves, but from various sauces that are poured over the potatoes. And when frying the calorie content, the dish adds sunflower or butter, fat, lard.

    Hence the conclusion is this: you need to lean on boiled or baked potatoes in foil. And it is better to limit fried and french fries.

    No, they don’t get fat from potatoes. It all depends on how to cook potatoes. If you are a lover of fried potatoes, then daily consumption of it will add extra pounds to your diet, since it is usually cooked in lard or vegetable oil, which is very, very high in calories.

    But baked potatoes in their skins are the most useful - potassium is lost only about 10% of the original amount, when it is about 50-60% when cooking. Yes, there are more vitamins and minerals in baked potatoes than in fried or boiled form. Calories on average tuber no more than 25-30.

    But this is with regards to young potatoes. However, over time, the poison solanine accumulates in the tubers, so a large layer of peel should be removed in winter.

    It is also not advised to use potatoes for diabetics, obese people, as it has a high glycemic index, which causes an increase in blood sugar.

    I have been eating potatoes with caution for many years. At the same time, I like its taste in the first dish, but I don’t eat it myself.

    And such a monster as fried potatoes would hardly have survived at all.

    The whole problem is the starch that the potato contains. When I think that with my fullness it will make an influx of starch, and immediately cease to want potatoes.

    They get fat from almost everything, if there is it in incredible quantities, at night and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Again, potatoes are different. For example, fried 100% will contribute to excess weight, and boiled potatoes in moderation have not harmed anyone.

    Personally, I don't get better from potatoes. I use it almost every day for cooking. I love very fried potatoes, but I know for sure that in 100 gr. such a potato has about 300-odd calories. And even more so when frying, it absorbs a huge amount of oil, which will hit our liver.

    Especially high-calorie french fries (100 gr. - 400 calories).

    And if you count calories and are afraid to get better from potatoes, then it’s better to boil it, bake it, or the most wonderful option is jacket potatoes.

Mass misconceptions about the usefulness of certain products have always existed.

There was a time when tomatoes were considered poisonous. The book "Complete Guide to Gardening" (XVIII century) says: "Tomatoes are extremely harmful, as they drive those who eat them crazy." Time has dispelled this myth. But popular rumor continues to give rise to more and more speculation about unhealthy and healthy food. Let's try to dispel some of them.

1 Potato. It is believed that potatoes (as well as pasta) quickly get fat. This is wrong.

Nutritionists insist that people get fat not at all from pasta or potatoes, but from fatty sauces with which we flavor dishes from these products. Potato starch, on the contrary, promotes good digestion and speeds up metabolism.

The juice of young potatoes is used to treat the thyroid gland. The presence of vitamins B and P in it make it effective in the fight against depression and insomnia.

2 Black coffee. It is believed that drinking this drink is almost as detrimental as smoking. Coffee allegedly causes insomnia, increases blood pressure, negatively affects the heart, and makes bones brittle. But modern research has revealed a lot of amazing health benefits of coffee:

moderate coffee consumption calms stress, reduces the risk of a heart attack;

stimulates the respiratory center of the brain, which facilitates breathing in asthmatics;

reduce the risk (by more than half!) of liver cancer, some forms of diabetes, Parkinson's disease.

Coffee (and sweet) even makes a person slimmer! Danish scientists found that the risk of getting better in subjects who drank coffee with two sugars was 40% lower than those who refused it.

As for poor sleep, for those who drink coffee regularly, even a few cups for a future dream will only calm their nerves, which means they will help them fall asleep.

3 Salt. In the old days in Rus' it was believed that "he who starts the meal with salt and ends it with salt protects himself from seventy-two diseases, including madness and leprosy." Today, this opinion has changed to a diametrically opposite one: "Salt is a white poison." In fact, the problem is not the salt itself, but the amount of salt consumed.

The daily salt intake for adults is approximately 5-6 grams. And we consume an average of 9.5 grams of it. From this excess, today salt has been elevated to the category of poisons. And excessive consumption is primarily due to the fact that people do not know how much salt is contained in natural products. It is believed - hide away the salt shaker, and the problem is solved. However, only 10-15 percent of salt ends up on the table after cooking. The rest is already contained in natural products.

4 Oil. It is believed that vegetable oil is less caloric and therefore more suitable for those who want to lose weight.

In fact, everything is not quite like that. Everything, of course, depends on the type of oil. Often vegetable fats contain even more calories than animal fats. So, for example, in 100 g of vegetable oil - 900 kcal, while in the same amount of butter - only 750 kcal.

But what vegetable oils are really useful for is the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in them. This is the so-called vitamin F - a unique substance that prevents the "overgrowth" of blood vessels. It is believed that vegetable oil is the only natural product that can reverse the disease and dissolve atherosclerotic plaque.

An adult needs to consume at least 20-30 grams of vegetable oils daily.

5 Chocolate. It is believed that they get fat from it, it causes caries, it has a bad effect on the heart. All this is far from the truth.

Yes, a chocolate bar contains up to 500 kilocalories (with our daily norm of 1800-2000 kcal). So no need to eat chocolate pounds! And holes in the teeth appear not because of sweets, but because the teeth are not cleaned well after eating ... And chocolate, on the contrary, is good for teeth. Recent studies have shown that cocoa contains antibacterial components that fight dental caries, and tannins contained in chocolate prevent the development of dental bacteria.

Research presented to the European Society of Cardiology shows that the polyphenols contained in cocoa beans have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. They promote more efficient blood flow, thus reducing the workload on the heart.

Research conducted by Harvard University (USA) has proven that people who eat chocolate live longer.

Chocolate contains a chemical compound that has a stimulating effect. We are talking about the same substance that our brain produces when we are happy or "in love". So this sweetness really brings people joy.

By the way

Dark dark chocolate without any fillings and additives is the most useful. It contains twice as many antioxidants that protect our cells from damage caused by "free radicals". The average intake of antioxidants should be 23 mg/day.

100 grams of dark chocolate contains 90 mg of antioxidants,

40 grams of chocolate contains as many antioxidants as a glass of red wine.


As you can see, rumors about the harmfulness of some products are greatly exaggerated. However, you should not hope that you can become happy only by eating chocolate, or avoid heart disease with the help of coffee. Remember that food is not medicine.

Russians love to eat potatoes. Potato (potato) excels among other vegetables and fruits in our diet. Potatoes taste good and can be prepared in many ways: boiled in water and steamed, deep fried and pan fried, baked in the oven, microwave, air grill, etc. But, despite the abundance of cooking methods and taste characteristics, one of the most important questions remains: Do potatoes get fat or not?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer this question in one word. Potatoes make you fat if you cook them incorrectly and use them in excess. Potatoes do not make you fat if you eat them in reasonable quantities and cook them correctly.
Today we will talk about how to eat potatoes correctly.

The benefits of potatoes (potatoes)

Potatoes (potatoes) contain a huge amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements useful for the body. These are vitamins C, B 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, A, E, PP, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium, iodine, copper, zinc, selenium and many others. Do not list everyone. That. it must be said that potatoes (potatoes) have an extremely rich set of nutrients and, of course, should be eaten.

Calorie content of potatoes (potatoes)

Despite the generally accepted opinion, potatoes (potatoes) are not considered a high-calorie product. Its calorie content is only 77 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, not so much. At the same time, most of the calories are provided by the carbohydrates contained in the potato - about 16 grams. There are few proteins in potatoes, only 2 grams. Therefore, despite the abundance of useful substances, potatoes (potatoes) cannot give the body any significant amount of protein. Its use in food must be supplemented with other protein-containing foods.

How to cook potatoes (potatoes)?

In order to preserve the beneficial substances contained in the potato (potato) as much as possible, it is advisable to cook it in a baked or boiled form. Moreover, when boiling potatoes in water, put the potatoes in boiling water. This saves more vitamins. And to preserve maximum nutritional value, it is considered ideal to cook potatoes (potatoes) in their skins.

Why do potatoes (potatoes) get fat?

Indeed, from potatoes (potatoes) they get fat. This happens for two reasons.

1. Eating fried potatoes and french fries.

Potatoes (potatoes) cooked with the addition of a large amount of oil significantly increase the calorie content of potato dishes. And although vegetable oil, despite its high calorie content, is poorly absorbed in the body by itself, but using it together with animal fats leads to maximum absorption of fats by the body. And this, in addition to obesity, can lead to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and cancer, which can be caused by the absorption of carcinogens released into food during frying.

2. Eating an excess amount of potatoes (potatoes).

Potatoes (potatoes) consist mainly of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the intestines are broken down into glucose and thus enter the bloodstream, causing an increase in blood sugar. The liver, in order to lower the level of sugar in the blood, processes the incoming glucose into a reserve type of energy - glycogen, and stores it for storage. Then, as needed, the liver gives the accumulated glycogen to the energy needs of the body.
In total, the liver can hold about 90 grams of glycogen. If, when eating, a person consumes more than this amount, then because. the blood sugar level still needs to be lowered, the liver urgently converts the accumulated glycogen into fats, thereby freeing up the necessary space.
Despite the low calorie content of potatoes (potatoes), we rarely consume only 100 grams of this product. A good plate of potatoes can weigh 300, 400, and 500 grams. And if 300 grams of potatoes will give only 48 grams of carbohydrates, then 500 grams is already 80 grams! It is enough to eat some more bread, cookies or chocolate for dessert, as the carbohydrate rate will be exceeded. As soon as the rate of carbohydrates per meal is exceeded, we will begin to accumulate fat.

They get fat not from potatoes (potatoes), but from malnutrition!

Potatoes (potatoes) will not bring any harm to the body if you eat it correctly. And it is possible to eat it correctly only if you understand that it is necessary to observe the calorie content of the diet. Our body is accustomed to absorb a large amount of food, but what it does not need at the moment, it turns into fat, so to speak, stores in reserve.
In order to properly eat potatoes (potatoes) in food, it is necessary to cook them correctly and maintain the amount of carbohydrates (not just one potato) at one meal within 90 grams. In this case, using all the useful properties of potatoes (potatoes), you will not put on weight from this tasty and loved by many product.

Coach Nutritionist, Sports Nutritionist, Honored Author of Evehealth


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“Oh, potatoes, potatoes! What is your honor? If there were no potatoes, there would be nothing to eat!” - a well-known expression that we have heard more than once from the lips of our grandparents.

And in fact, this amazing vegetable has taken up most of the pages of any book on healthy food. Mankind is so accustomed to living with potatoes that it is not possible to exclude it from the diet. Around you can hear potatoes fried, boiled, stewed, baked, french fries, country style, mashed potatoes and so on ad infinitum.

Potatoes are a useful product. It is mainly used in medicine, cooking, and. Rich in a huge amount of vitamin (C, B, B2, B6, PP, K, E), carotene, iodine, starch, folic acid, carotene and iron.

Useful properties include:

  • removes excess water from the body and promotes the breakdown of salts;
  • during heat treatment retains 80% of useful substances and vitamins;
  • due to the large amount of potassium, it is advised to eat it for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases;
  • high calorie content, based on the fact that the composition contains a high content of carbohydrates;
  • useful for people suffering from high acidity.

Despite all the useful properties, it is very high in calories: 77 calories per 100 grams of the product. Two factors have been identified why potatoes get fat.


Fried potatoes french fries, which are cooked using a considerable amount of sunflower oil. Fried foods are very rich in free fats and carbohydrates, which together are very well absorbed by the body. Depending on the presence of animal fat, complete or minimal absorption occurs. With full assimilation, the maximum deposition of fats occurs not only under the skin, but also on the internal organs! This can cause various diseases: disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, CV diseases, and oncological pathologies.

Excess consumption of carbohydrates. Potato tubers are rich in carbohydrates. In the process of digestion, carbohydrates, entering the intestines, are broken down into glucose and then into the blood, where they cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Glucose is not a complex carbohydrate that is quickly processed and releases energy for the body to work. If this energy has not been fully utilized, then all the remaining glucose will be deposited in body fat. In order to prevent this, a person should consume no more than 100 grams of this product per day. We rarely follow the rules. Basically, a serving is 300 or even 500 grams. Although 300 grams of potatoes contain 48 grams of carbohydrates, then 500 grams - 80! It is enough to eat another bun, cake or candy and the norm is exceeded. And we will unwittingly confidently accumulate fat in the body.

Nutritionists recommend eating boiled potatoes. Boiled potatoes do not get better. Basically, you can get better from fried potatoes. Especially if it is boiled in uniforms. There are many that are very easy to follow due to their economy and practicality. Let's take an example of one of them.


It is calculated 3-5 days. Resets up to 1 kg per day. Nutrition:

  • breakfast- 1 glass of skimmed milk;
  • dinner- mashed potatoes in water without salt (salt can only be a drop);
  • dinner- 250 grams of salad (potatoes, boiled egg seasoned with vinegar or lemon juice and a little oil).

You can use the diet only once a month and no more than 5 days.

Potatoes, as a separate product, do not cause any harm to the body if used correctly. You need to help your body with. He is accustomed to process a large number of products, and put all excess fat in reserve. In order not to get fat from potatoes, you need to observe the rate of carbohydrate intake, properly prepare the dish in order to preserve the maximum of useful properties.

Video about the benefits and harms of potatoes